MANDALA Sacred geometry - Art in the form of Mandala
The meaning of Mandala is a "circle" or "whole world". The circle shape represents roundness, integrity, fullness and circulation. Mandala with its precise geometry, elements, shapes, and colors depicts a particular energy matrix. When we meditate on the mandala, our consciousness of immerse into collective consciousness, where through the symbols are triggered certain impulses of the universe and our mind. Mandala is found in many ancient places and has been used in various spiritual practices, meditations, metaphysics, psychology, and energy alignment of various spaces. Mandalas can be varied, have different forms (circles, triangles, squares, etc.) to enter various elements such as cosmic principles, the world, the deities, avatars, planets, chakras, elements of nature or any other inspiration. The varied dynamics of the mandala, its shapes and forms stimulate various inner potentials.
Mandalas are also made as a substitute for yantra and a lesser geometric form than yantras, such as decorating and correcting a certain part of space, in specific colors and forms of the default theme.
All images placed in the space are conveniently arranged according to color and dynamics. Every color and element have their place in space. (for example in the south it is convenient to set a picture in red that can be combined with black or earthy colors and so for every part of the home). It will help you with the Vastu Advice.