The shape of the circle represents completeness, wholeness, fullness, and circulation. Mandalas have been used since ancient times, as they are today, as a beautiful and inspiring decoration in interiors and as a powerful tool for meditation. Through their inner geometry, elements, shapes, and colors, mandalas reflect a specific energy matrix. The diverse dynamics of mandalas, their forms, and shapes radiate within a space, and through meditation on a mandala, our consciousness immerses in the collective consciousness, where certain impulses of our mind are activated through symbols. Painting and creating mandalas is a deeply healing and meditative experience. Mandalas are placed in specific locations within a space, from where they exert a strong influence on the energy of the environment.
Mandalas are found in many ancient sites and have been used in various spiritual practices, meditations, metaphysics, psychology, and the energetic harmonization of different spaces. Mandalas are also created as substitutes for yantras and as smaller geometric forms derived from yantras, used for decoration and correction of specific areas within a space, in designated colors and shapes according to a given theme. All artworks placed within a space should be arranged according to color, shape, and dynamics. Each color and element has its place in a space. (For example, in the south, it is advisable to place an artwork in red, which can be combined with black or earthy tones, and similarly for each part of the home). I will assist you with Vastu guidance. |
Oblik kruga predstavlja zaokruženost, cjelovitost, puninu i cirkuliranje. Mandale se od davnina, kao i danas, koriste kao predivan i nadahnjujući ukras u interijeru te kao snažno sredstvo meditacije. Svojom unutarnjom geometrijom, elementima, oblicima i koloritom mandala oslikava određenu energetsku matricu. Raznolika dinamika mandala, njenih formi i oblika zrači u prostoru, a putem meditacije na mandalu naša svijest uranja u kolektivnu svijest gdje se putem simbola aktiviraju određeni impulsi našeg uma. Slikanje i stvaranje mandale je duboko iscjeljujuće i meditativno iskustvo. U prostoru se mandale postavljaju na točno određena mjesta od kuda šire snažan učinak na energiju prostora.
Mandale se nalazi na mnogim drevnim mjestima i korištena je u raznim duhovnim praksama, meditacijama, metafizici, psihologiji i energetskom usklađivanju raznih prostora. Mandale se izrađuju i kao zamjena za yantre i manje geometrijske forme od yantri, poput ukrašavanja i korekcije određenog dijela prostora, u određenim bojama i oblicima zadane teme. Sve slike smještene u prostoru trebale bi biti raspoređene prema boji, oblicima i dinamici. Svaka boja i element imaju svoje mjesto u prostoru. (npr. na jugu je zgodno postaviti sliku u crvenoj boji koja se može kombinirati s crnom ili zemljanim bojama i tako za svaki dio doma). Pomoći ću vam s Vastu savjetima. |
Ancient Wisdom for the Modern Age – Together We Create a Magical Living Space |
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