Chakras are the main energy/mental centres responsible for receiving, flow and release of life Energy (prana, chi) and form the main link between the body and the mind. They are located along the spine, displaying levels of human consciousness (from lower to higher) and the storage of our various life experiences. They are distributed to seven levels on which the same energy that has more manifestations vibrates. Although it is the same energy, it is transformed into different qualities at different levels of its manifestation. Our mind, emotional, spiritual and physical health is closely related to the work of the chakras. The chakra system originally comes from the ancient works of Veda, Upanishada and the West is familiar with the Chakras through Sir John Woodroff through his book "The Serpent Power" (Kundalini Yoga) for the first time printed 1919.
The workshop of making chakras is for all who want to learn more about them and create a nice creative work. The workshop includes a video presentation and a detailed clarification (understanding of chakras, their characteristics, colours, symbols etc.) and the workshop of drawing and painting. Everyone chooses one chakra to be photographed by seven:
Muladhara, Base, earth
Bridal, sacral, water
Manipura, navel, fire
Anahata, Heart, air
Vissudhi, throat, ether
An ENT, a frontal, a mind
Sahasrana, the scalp
Ove likovno edukativne radionice baziraju se na vedskoj simbolici, svetoj geometriji, yogi i vedskom znanju, astrologiji (jyotish) te Vastu. Sandra će vas provesti kroz ovaj svijet koji je predivan spoj umjetnosti i simbolike uronjen u duhovnost. Naučite značenje, vrste, boje, oblike i drugo, što će vam poslužiti za iscjeljujuće i meditativno stanje kroz kreativno stvaranje. Ne morate biti posebno umjetnički nadareni niti imati znanje da bi prisustvovali na radionici. Kreativno stvaranje oslobađa maštu i kreativnu energiju shakti, koja donosi snagu, pranu (životnu energiju) i potiče osobu da oslobođa unutarnje potencijale.